MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit System


Natural Disasters:-

On 3 February 2011, severe tropical cyclone Yasi crossed the North Queensland coast causing some $3.6 billion of damage. There was extensive flooding with some major roads cut for several days. At one location there was a 10 km traffic backup.

There were many reports in the media regarding the problems the Queensland Government had getting emergency personnel and supplies into the devastated areas and evacuating residents.

The MonoCab VRT track is normally at least 5.0 metres (16' 6") above ground. It can, of course, be simply raised higher by increasing the length of the columns.  The track will be constructed so that its underside is at least 3.0 metres (10 feet) above the previous highest flood level.  Extra protective measures will be taken in the design of the columns that may be in the flood path to ensure their stability.

The rails are very substantial 1200 mm high (4' 00") steel beams that are virtually immune to damage.  The only challenge to the track remaining functional is wind blown debris, tree branches and the like on the track.



The MonoCab VRT rescue was designed to overcome this situation. It has its own power supply and is driven by the operator. It features fold down platforms on its sides so that the emergency personnel have unfettered access all around the vehicle.

It will carry all necessary emergency equipment and is equipped with a small crane such as is common on trucks.


This crane will allow the rescue of victims and the transfer of supplies and equipment to emergency personnel on the ground.

Once any debris is cleared from the track, normal travel can resume regardless of the flood situation ensuring uninterrupted access for people and supplies.






During public displays of our MonoCab VRT model, we conduct a written survey (name, address and comments). We also ask respondents two questions:-

Would you like the MonoCab VRT rapid transit system in your community?

The Response:-

YES - 99.42%

We also ask them to rate the system out of 10:-

Average rating = 9.54/10

You Can't Get Much Better Than That!!