MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit System


The MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit SOLUTION

(Monorail taxiCab  Very  Rapid  Transit)

The FUTURE of Transport

Passenger Transport Quick Points:-

  1. Elevated dual rail monorail system - one rail for each direction.
  2. Generally built in the median of divided roads (normally no services here) with columns at approximately 30 - 35 metre centres.
  3. Small aerodynamic, energy efficient cars travelling at 100 km/h average within cities and 200km/h average between cities.
  4. MonoCab VRT Mini cars - 8 seats + standing room for 3 people (11 total). These cars will be approximately the size of a Commodore or Falcon.
  5. MonoCab VRT Maxi cars - 16 seats + standing room for 6 people (22 total). These are an extended version of the Mini cars.
  6. MonoCab VRT Express cars (30 seats) for long distance travel e.g. Brisbane - Sydney.  These follow the same design philosophy as the smaller cars but have upgraded mechanical components.
  7. MonoCab VRT Commuter cars (60 seats) for peak hour commuter travel less than one hour e.g. Gold Coast - Brisbane.
  8. Stations (including car parking) at major regional centres.
  9. Intermediate mini stations at approximately 800 metre centres (similar spacing to bus stops) with a points system to take the cars off the main track so as not to impede through traffic.
  10. Electronic ticketing with automatic destination control.
  11. No stops en route for passengers. Once a your journey begins, the car travels to your intended destination without stopping. 



  1. This solution will use light weight, aerodynamic cars manufactured using standard automotive components in the drive train to significantly reduce costs.  The cars will average 100 km/h (60 mph) within cities and 200 km/h (120 mph) between cities.
  2. The tracks are based on large commercially available steel beams but will be manufactured in a specially constructed, centrally located factory using Computer Integrated Manufacturing techniques.  They will be generally erected on columns in the median of divided roads and be a minimum five metres above the ground.  Approximately 200 km (120 miles) of track will service the Gold Coast from Coomera to Coolangatta and from the M1 to the beach.
  3. Stations will be constructed at major regional centres. Mini stations with lifts will be built at typical bus stop locations.
  4. Passengers will use smart phone APPS, electronic ticketing machines or pre-paid cards to travel.  Each journey will be non-stop to the intended destination.  The maximum waiting time for a journey will be 5 minutes, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
  5. The cars will be extremely energy efficient due to their light weight, electric motors, the design of the drive train and the method of operation.
  6. The MonoCab VRT solution will produce significantly lower  carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions than light rail or rapid bus during both construction and operation.
  7. The automatic operation of the MonoCab VRT solution means the staff requirement is significantly reduced giving low operating costs per passenger.  There are no drivers required for the cars.  Staff will be required only for the central control room, maintenance and administration.
  8. The number of passengers carried per hour for each route will be significantly greater than roads,  current and proposed systems due to the high speeds and no intermediate stops for each journey.
  9. An array of sensors will monitor the performance of each car.  Any departure from normal operating parameters will initiate the car being sent to a maintenance depot thus enuring a very high safety standard.
  10. Sails will be erected under the track, where required, for aesthetics and safety.
  11. These sails will also capture high quality rain water for augmenting the town water supply following treatment.  In 2006, a dry year on the Gold Coast, these sails (200 km) would have captured approximately 5% of the City Council's target consumption of 130 ML/day.
  12. The high speed and low cost of the MonoCab VRT solution will promote the decentralisation of the population.  People will be able to live a significant distance from their work place and still take less time to get there than they do currently.  Their journey will also be safer and more economical.
  13. It is inarguable that modern society has a love affair with the car.  Getting the public out of their cars and on to public transport is the biggest challenge that Governments face.  The reality is that this is a "must do" goal given the increasing concerns about global warming, oil reserves, population increases, conservation etc.
  14.  In order to achieve this goal, any public transport system has to provide sufficient benefits in regard to fares (the result of capital and operational costs), security, convenience and speed. 

MonoCab VRT Passenger Cars...



During public displays of our MonoCab VRT model, we conduct a written survey (name, address and comments). We also ask respondents two questions:-

Would you like the MonoCab VRT rapid transit system in your community?

The Response:-

YES - 99.42%

We also ask them to rate the system out of 10:-

Average rating = 9.54/10

You Can't Get Much Better Than That!!