MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit System


Rain Water Harvesting:-


TRACK ARTERIALAn extra benefit achieved by the inclusion of the sails under the track is the capture of rain water.

For each 1000 mm of rain, the 9 metre wide sails will harvest 900 ML (900,000,000 L) of water per 100 kilometres of track.  This would provide the water needs of nearly 12,330 people for a year at the usage rate of 200 L of water per person per day.

The columns will provide temporary storage reservoirs.  At the base of each column, a small pump will pump the water into a pipe suspended under the tracks to reservoirs in various suitable
locations (e.g. underground in a park).


Water Quality:-

This water will be of high quality as it will have had no contact with the ground or any vegetable matter.  Due to it's high quality, the water will require only basic treatment before being pumped directly into the water reticulation system, obviating the  need for large diameter, long distance, costly trunk water mains from new dams etc.

MonoCab VRT Track and Sails

Volume Harvested:-

In 2006 (a dry year), the recorded rainfall at the Gold Coast Seaway was 1072.8 mm and at Coolangatta was 1740.2 mm giving an average of 1406.5 mm for the Gold Coast.

In 2006, the MonoCab VRT 200 km proposal for the Gold Coast would have captured 2,530 ML of water.  This is equivalent to 19.5 days supply for the Gold Coast at the Council's target consumption of 130 ML per day.  This would have provided the water needs of 34,680 Gold Coast residents for a year at the usage rate of 200 L of water per person per day.

The 2,530 ML is equivalent to the capacity of 1,265,850  water tanks of 2000 L capacity.  Assuming an installed cost of $1,500.00 per water tank, the MonoCab VRT solution supplants the expenditure of $1,898 million for water tanks for equivalent water capture.

Points of Interest:-

Less than 1% of the world’s fresh water (or about 0.007% of all water on earth) is readily accessible for direct human use.

The United Nations estimates that two-thirds of the world's population will not have reliable supplies of potable water by 2025 if current trends are not reversed.

In 2002, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights declared access to water a human right, stating that water is a social and cultural good.

It has been estimated that for every two litre bottle of water on the supermarket shelf, energy equivalent to a half litre of oil has been utilised in the its manufacture and distribution.

A reliable supply of potable water is becoming quite critical in many parts of the world.  Entering "potable water" in Google will return many entries showing concerns by Governments and their citizens.  In particular, go to the web site.



During public displays of our MonoCab VRT model, we conduct a written survey (name, address and comments). We also ask respondents two questions:-

Would you like the MonoCab VRT rapid transit system in your community?

The Response:-

YES - 99.42%

We also ask them to rate the system out of 10:-

Average rating = 9.54/10

You Can't Get Much Better Than That!!